Aislelabs is proud to announce the introduction of single-use promo codes for restaurants and retailers.
Coupons are an incredible tool to entice customers to return to your store or cafe. With the revolution of promo codes, no longer does a retailer or restauranteur need to print or design generic coupons that can be lost or even copied. Nor do they have to waste paper on specific event coupons that may not be completely handed out.
Aislelabs solves these issues with Smart Coupons which advances vouchers one step further. A Smart Coupon is a promo code that can be sent to your recent or past customers and is unique for one-time use. They’re easy to create without the need of an IT department and no need to integrate with a point of sales system. They can be easily claimed by visitors and customers on their smartphones right at the cashier.
How Smart Coupons Work
Smart Coupon campaigns are easily created through the Aislelabs’ WiFi marketing platform Connect. They can be set to run at during a specific time period. Once a visitor or customer signs on to the guest WiFi during the campaign period at a Connect enabled site, they’ll be emailed a personal link for a coupon. Alternatively, these coupons can be sent to your current users on the CRM list you’ve developed.
After clicking through the link, they’ll have the ability to activate the coupon which will run for a specified period of time. The time period could be anywhere from several minutes to several hours. These coupons are all one time use so they cannot be posted to a coupon site for mass public use or transferred after being accepted.
Each coupon can use any image which can be a scannable QR code, barcode, or even just a graphic that a cashier will recognize. Because each campaign is timed, the coupons cannot be used outside of the specified time period. The countdown timer also adds a dynamic element that makes forging it via a screenshot impossible. This allows you to automatically craft a window in which the Smart Coupon will work. Once the campaign has concluded, all unclaimed coupons will expire.
How to Use Smart Coupons
Smart Coupons are incredibly flexible allowing you to create promo codes for anything from discounts to free giveaways. They allow you to easily capitalize on special days such holidays or your store’s anniversary.
They encourage customers who have visited to return, thus increasing sales and building brand awareness. They are also very useful to promote special events and functions at your space or can integrate with any other one of your brilliant WiFi marketing for retail or restaurant/cafe ideas. All of this can be done easily and quickly within the Aislelabs Connect platform.
Contact us to learn more about how Smart Coupons or Aislelabs products can help your business grow.